Monday, May 10, 2010


What is to become
the tree of life seldom shows.
Branch to branch life grows.

I've spent many a beautiful day reading underneath this tree behind the Petaluma Museum. I really do love it.

I decided to do something different with my hair today. I tied it in a bun on the right side and a bit down and wore my red hair flower. I got "Asian Art Major", but honestly if I bushied up my brows I would look like Frida Kahlo... and I mean that in the best way. I dig Frida Kahlo. (

Today was wonderfully spent. I met up with Sky after his music class and we went downtown for lunch. We caught the 1:30pm showing of Iron Man 2. (omgomgomgomg so awesome, but I shall not discuss this blog, hit me up on facebook or, better yet, in person and we can have a chat) and then we went to Barnes&Noble. So much fun. I could spend hours (and lots of money) in a book store if left to my own devices. Today has ALMOST made up for not seeing him OR talking to him most of this weekend. *le sigh* Well, my cat is bugging me to play with him so I shall.

Regie P.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Nothing like new shoes,
they feel so great. Out with the
old, in with the new.

I relaced my new all black converse tonight. They feel sooooo great, it's awesome. But now I don't want to wear them. XP I haven't felt that way about shoes since... elementary school? I can make them my special occasion shoes? Who wouldn't want to wear a beautiful evening gown with black converse? Psh, I would love to.

Mother's Day! I posted the Motherlover video last night in honor of today. My brother bbq'd some burgers and Tony and Imie came over. I basically watched the Eureka marathon on SyFy today. It was wonderful. The show comes back in July and I am very excited. : )

Hmm, I must go to bed. Early day tomorrow. (Decided to go to Copperfield's before I go to class tomorrow.) And IRON MAN 2!!!! Woot!

-Regie P.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I want to read more.
Losing myself while reading
is what I miss most.

I finished Neverwhere, but I cannot seem to get back into Kushiel's Dart. I think it might be a bit too dense for me.

I got to see the dance show with Sky today! I was very happy about that. It was such a great show. Well I'm not feeling too well right now so I'm going to turn in.

-Regie P.

Friday, May 7, 2010


The ring will not stop,
It resonates in my head.
Time, time, flowing time.

So, time and luck were not on my side today. My bus to SR was running half an hour late AND we got caught in traffic. I got to the transit mall at 6:05 and I decided to walk to campus for my 6:00 coaching since the next bus was not until 6:15... Needless to say I got to the comic book shop and decided to wait for the next bus. The SoMo 20 happened to stop where I was (which happened to be Skylar's bus) and I had someone to bitch at about my WONDROUS day as of late. The bus stopped in front of campus and I booked it to Burbank and to rm 260 right in time for LDL to open the door in my face so she could put away her dinner plate. I got 5 minutes left of my coaching slot and I got 5 minutes of Hien's. ALL of that for a good 10 minute coaching slot and I got to see my boyfriend for a little bit. So I am pretty much done with my entry for now. Peace.

-Regie P.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


You pay attention!
I want to be pet right nao!
It's Captain's order!

I was just relaxing with some Gaiman when my cat just comes up to me and sits on my book. He moved a bit when I got out my camera, but this was just him chillin' on my book.

Today wasn't too eventful. Dance, lobby, frisbee, THAR13, coaching, going for a walk... Yeah not TOO eventful. I am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow, I really am. I was going to go to the beach, but I think I want some Regie time right now. It'll give me a chance to just relax, finish up this book and re-write my monologue. Oh and I am re-gauging my ears. Pretty stoked about that. Anyways, I shall continue my adventure in London Below and to you my dear reader I bid thee adieu.

-Regie P.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Late night downtown walk.
The air is still yet buzzing.
My boots cut my heels.

So I was too busy socializing today after class that I forgot to take my Burbank picture like I wanted to. So I took the late bus home and decided to stop at the corner of 4th&B to take a picture. I used the night scenery setting and had to prop the camera on a pole to steady it for a better shot. I think it turned out rather well. Oh and as for the last line of my haiku: I wore thin socks today so the back of my boots started rubbing the back of my heels raw. So I walked home from the bus stop in socks. It was quite interesting and I'd do it again.

Today was a good day. I got to catch one of the buses to campus that I usually miss because it was running late today and my bus was early. So I got to meet Sky outside of his music class. He had a coaching to do for the showcase though, and it was great to watch. THAR63 was rather uneventful. Sky and I sat in the back reading because we don't shoot until next Wednesday. Oh and after class Skylar and I got Leslie approved...

After we got out of THAR63 we saw Des and Thea in the distance and I tried getting there attention. I refrained from cursing out loud and Sky told me that was a good idea seeing as Leslie McCauley was right behind us. Then I whipped around to say hi to her. She saw me and Sky holding hands and asked (in her cute Leslie way) "Are you two together?" We affirmed and she replied "I usually stay out of this kind of business, but... I like it." Woot for Leslie approval. XD

I had about an hour and a half to kill before my coaching session with Jimmy. I was going to spend it reading but instead I spent it playing Frisbee on the lawn and hanging out with people in front of Burbank. And it turned out Spencer didn't show up to his coaching session with Katie today, which really sucked because I wanted that time slot! Oh well. Coaching went very well and Jimmy and I just have to tweak a few things here and there, and LDL helped us re-cut the scene so we have to add some lines back in. No big. I'm very excited for this showcase.

Anyways, so now I am home. My mother is sick. : ( And I have a bunch of laundry to fold. Goodnight all.

-Regie P.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

5/04/10 (aka May the 4th Be With You)

The passing towns blur
as I pass them on this bus.
I don't want to stop.

I took the GGT80 @8:05pm. Tomorrow night I will have to take the 9:05pm. Hooray for Showcase coaching.

We got to see the "potential" showcase list today. My Absurdist scene (The Balcony by Jean Genet) with Hien and my Actor's w/Disabilities scene (The Elephant Man by Bernard Pomerance) with Jimmy got in. I am pretty stoked for the showcase, even though I'm pretty sure that the fact that it is a week from this Friday has not sunk in yet. O_o I have coaching tomorrow night from 7-8pm with Jimmy and then Friday night from 6-7pm with Hien. I just wish my coaching with Jimmy was just an hour earlier.

Anyways, I will now go off and read some of Neverwhere. Oh and speaking of Gaiman, if you are on Twitter you should check this out:

Night night,
-Regie P.